– Rivals

The Rivals

“Had I a thousand daughters, by Heaven! I’d as soon have them taught the black art as their alphabet!”

A capricious young woman with an appetite for sentimental novels, Miss Lydia Languish is determined to defy the established social order and love a man who is of a lower station than her. She has fallen for Ensign Beverly, and is willing to surrender her fortune to marry him. This comes as a challenge to Captain Jack Absolute who has fallen for the lovely Lydia, (but is also Ensign Beverly in disguise). He must outwit Lydia’s aunt and guardian, Mrs. Malaprop, keeping up his ruse when in her company, and not revealing himself to his father, Sir Anthony, who is conspiring with Mrs. Malaprop to wed his son to her niece.

First published in 1775, The Rivals explores the exploits of many men vying to win the hand of Lydia and the women who are as devious as their male counterparts. It plays with the timeless ideas of rivalry, forgiveness, and, ultimately, true love.

©Copywright 2018 The Upstart Crow Theatre Company
Site designed by Griffin Street Productions